Water Wisdom

Let me share with you a true story to illustrate the profound importance of cultivating a deeper understanding of water wisdom and its relationship to your overall wellbeing, healing, health and vitality.

A 15-year-old girl appeared in court to testify against someone driving way over the speed limit on the same farm road she was riding her horse. As the speeding car approached, her horse bolted and both horse and rider were hit by the car and propelled into the air. She was knocked unconscious without sustaining any important physical damage, yet the injury sustained to the horse was so severe he had to be sacrificed.

The impact of the accident, the loss of her beloved horse together with the ordeal of being cross examined in court by a ruthless lawyer sent the young girl into a deep depression. After many months of self-imposed isolation, the only way she was able to break free was to get back in the saddle with a horse called At Ease who helped her heal and together they eventually reached the level of national championships.

However, the story does not end here.

Five years later as a young adult she was driving down the main boulevardin Madrid and was involved in an accident. Both drivers amicably exchanged details for insurance purposes as one does, however the next day the owner of the other car called and threated to take her to court… again.

Upon hearing this and with no warning, her body started to convulse and she collapsed to the floor screaming uncontrollably and sobbed for hours for reasons she was unable to comprehend at the time. Her body recalled the trauma of the experience and the mere thought of returning to court caused her body to go totally berserk.

Perhaps the trauma you have experienced is less or more than the example provided, yet I’m sure you can relate. At times we can be surprised by how we unexpectedly respond to an experience or situation that triggers us and perhaps on a conscious level we have no idea why.

Life is a mystery as is water.

So, let’s take a deeper dive into the waters to reveal some of its mysteries in order to better understand ourselves.Our bodies are by volume 75% water and by molecular count 99%.

Water holds memory, that is, it holds the information it’s exposed to. It also holds ancestral memories and intelligence. Take a look at the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s, Veda Austin or John Stuart Reid… who are among the many people today studying water imaging.

They have all visually demonstrated beautiful water imaging providing us with a deeper understanding of this precious element.

We are all bodies of water holding on to information we have been exposed to and accumulated over a lifetime, perhaps even past lives and certainly past generations. We are shaped by our lived experiences and the information it holds.

The young lady was able to heal her depression by getting back onto a horse, yet the trauma of the court experience remained in her cellular memory which was triggered by a recall of that original traumatic experience. Her body responded.

So how can we heal and release our trauma so that it no longer stunts our growth, limiting our ability to flow better with life and reach our highest potential?

Pain is 80% of the reason why people visit doctors. When faced with it we tend to withdraw and disassociate with our bodies. Our central nervous system eventually forgets how to regulate it. Consider pain as a signal our body is sending us, just like a light on the dashboard of our car. When it indicates we’re out of petrol we don’t hesitate to fill up, nor do we cover it and carry along on our merry way.

So why on earth don’t we attend to the soft whispers or even the loud voices of our body? Instead, we choose to pop a pill or numb ourselves with self-harming legal or illegal substances… until our body comes to a screeching halt forcing us to take action.

What does water have to do with all of this? Remember our bodies are primarily made up of water which holds the information it’s exposed to, so when we feel into our bodies tapping into the pain, we’re able to release and free it. Our bodies are amazingly fascinating and a deeper understanding of our biology is called for.

“If you want to improve your self-esteem overnight, study your body” Jim Quick


Our eyes, nose, ears, tongue and brain are all in our head so no wonder most of our perception happens in our head and most of us live disconnected to what’s going on in our bodies. Often, we choose to ignore it and treat it as a machine, numbing our pains, or at very least outsourcing the fix to someone else.

Leaning more about our aquatic nature helps us cultivate a deeper understanding of how we can become more empowered to begin a journey of self-healing and self-realisation.

There’s a marvellous liquid substance in our bodies called the fascia comprising of 25 kg of our body weight and until 15 years ago it was dismissed as useless by doctors. This tissue connects everything in our body and holds the key to holistic and evolutionary wellbeing. Trauma, physical or emotional, is held in our bodies. The pain we experience is a result of this, or simply a result of dehydration. Therefore it’s essential we begin to move our bodies in specific ways for pain and trauma relief, providing us with greater flexibility, personal transformation and even reverse ageing.

When we fully comprehend these concepts, we begin to realise that every word we emit, the beliefs we hold, the emotions we feel all pass through our body imprinting information upon our internal waters. This information holds a frequency that we carry around with us shaping our experience of the world and even creating the lives we are living. Our core beliefs, conscious and unconscious, are literally shaping our reality and our lives. Be meticulous with your words as Don Ruiz Miguel advises us in his brilliant book on Toltec wisdom “The Four Agreements”.

If we believe we’re incapable of doing something, we won’t and subsequently prove ourselves right, and how we love that! What if we begin to believe something different? What if we begin to tell ourselves a different story thereby changing the vibratory expression that’s imprinted in our internal waters? We are what we believe and we create what we believe.“

I think it’s plausible that water and consciousness are so intimately intertwined that they behave as one. I’m talking about a higher form of consciousness that connects, fills and designs all of life and Creation”. Veda Austin

The Living Language of Water

Exploring water’s spiritual significance deepens our connection to ourselves and our natural world as well as cultivate a greater sense of harmony and balance in our lives… and undeniably we all need a bit more of this. Personal and planetary peace is possible, as long as we believe it.

So, let’s invite the wisdom of the waters to reveal its mystery as we learn the magic of flowing with life. Water feels everything, it absorbs and remembers. Water moves, brings life and changes.

It is wise, wild and free.

If you are ready to learn about and experience the wisdom of water, you can join us on our upcoming retreat in Spain where we will explore the multiple ways we can reshape our lives through the wisdom of water.

We will focus on stillness, on going deep within to explore the wealth of wisdom that lies in your internal waters. Returning to Source and allowing life to flow through you.

Through the practice of Alchemical Yin Yoga, Ai Chi (warm water movement) and sound healing sessions to raise your vibration and opening you up to receive the blessing waiting to be bestowed upon you.

We will move our bodies in gentle and natural ways, we will gather in circle to connect and open the tap to the wise, wild and free aspects in you. Once you experience this, your internal waters will remember this for eternity.

Join us in an exploration of discovering greater wellbeing, peace, playfulness and joy through the prism of water.

I sincerely hope you can join us for this unique retreat experience!

(PS… I was the girl riding the horse 😉

Enquire about our upcoming Wise, Wild, and Free Retreat.