LUXE CLUB RETREATS LTD strives to be a leader in environmental sustainability and believes that a successful future for our business and the customers we serve depends on the sustainability of the environment, communities and economies in which we operate.

As a responsible corporate citizen, we bear a responsibility to consider the impacts of our actions and how they affect the environment both directly in terms of our own operations, and indirectly through our purchasing decisions, the services we offer to our customers and the business opportunities we pursue.

We are committed to minimizing the impact of our operations on the environment and to demonstrating leadership by integrating environmental considerations into all our business practices.


The requirements of this policy apply to all entities and employees of LUXE CLUB RETREATS LTD.

Although this policy applies to all entities and employees, the primary audience for this policy is those responsible for its implementation, namely the business line leaders and local management of each entity of the Company.


We want our services and Retreat experiences to be part of a sustainable society. We are committed to: 

Environmental Commitments

Protect the Environment

  • LUXE CLUB RETREATS LTD will protect the environment, including preventing pollution, through responsible management of our operations;
  • Will give appropriate weight to this environmental policy when making future planning and investment decisions;
  • Will design services to reduce their adverse environmental impact in production, use and disposal; 
  • Will reduce resource consumption, waste and pollution in our operations;
  • Will donate a portion of each club membership fee to charitable and environmental causes as seen fit by the company. The specific amount is disclosed to Members prior to signing up as per the Client Agreement.


  • LUXE CLUB RETREATS LTD will comply with, or exceed, our environmental obligations, including taking a proactive approach regarding environmental legislation that affects our business. 



Objectives and Targets

  • LUXE CLUB RETREATS LTD will set targets and objectives, within the scope of the environmental management system, to achieve continual improvement and a sustainable development;

Own Operations

  • LUXE CLUB RETREATS LTD  will minimize the environmental impacts of our own operations through best practice management of our use of energy, transportation, material consumption, water use, waste and emissions; 
  • Will encourage suppliers, subcontractors, retailers and recyclers of our products to adopt the same environmental principles as LUXE CLUB RETREATS LTD;

Purchasing Decisions

  • LUXE CLUB RETREATS LTD will consider the environmental performance of our suppliers and the environmental attributes of products and services in our purchasing decisions; 

Ambassadors, Club Experts and Partners:

  • LUXE CLUB RETREATS will raise ambassador, club expert and partner awareness and support their creativity and enthusiasm with respect to implementing our environmental policies, guidelines, programs and initiatives;
  • Will continually promote environmental awareness, responsibility and best practices and to support the environmental sustainability culture of our company through education and in-house initiatives to reduce our environmental footprint.


Last updated April 29, 2022